Wouldn't It Be Nice..
Thursday, March 12, 2009 |

Another Music Video!

so 2dae.. hm.. was kind of stress bcoz of hist lesson but thn.. sudenly cancelled?! woohoo!!! nice sioooooooooooo

k, gt back result slip and i dunno y, bt i've made a mistake. my hist or combined humanities(combined wit ss), i've passed tht bt on the other hand.. i failed MATHS?! what the.. kinda terbalek.. wahaha, bt who cares! at least gt pass eng! woohoo, nice nice.

dun 4get to sign ur result slip hor!

so yes, after sch, this is wad happened..

went to a table discussing on which to attend to, there was hist lesson, ncc, art(help help oni), or 'go home'. thought on all of the things to attend to. all very like, WALAO! except for art and 'go home'. heheh. thn, dave msged zach tht hist lesson was cancelled.. :o yahoooooo!

thn, bcoz ncc is nt a must, thn tht's out of the list too, and art, we cn help 2morrow. so yes, goooo hooooooooome!

thn, problem solved. hope no stressful decision again..

Follow Your Heart
I'm racking my brain for a new improved way
To let you know you mean more to me than what I know how to say