The Dark Rain Covers Our Past
Friday, February 27, 2009 |

Okay, so yesterday I did not post due to the inavailability of the laptop. My sister brought her laptop for study. I am rarely free on weekdays to post as my sister often needs the laptop. So this blog will just be more of about my weekends post. If I were to post on weekdays that means my sister did not bring her laptop.
So lets start..
Today.. was the best day ever!! Its because, first, it was my last day to wear the tie. Second, I did not need to stand during morning assembly. Third, lessons were all just slacking. Fourth, got to hang out with friends. Fifth, got to use the laptop and sixth, got a new handphone!!
So today was just, good!
I don't know what else to post as I am too happy! Hehe, okay, see you in the next post!
Bye Bye!

Follow Your Heart
I'm racking my brain for a new improved way
To let you know you mean more to me than what I know how to say