It Is Too Late..
Thursday, March 05, 2009 |

Hi! Throat pain today. Well, today and yesterday to be exact. All because of NCC..
Well, nevermind. So yeah, today's lesson kind of boring.. Maths, learned a new topic. Art, need to finish some work. And I lost one of my painting.. damn.. need to redo.. DAMN, I say, DAAAAAAMN!!
So moved on to.. English. Hm.. don't remember much about it so lets skip! Hee~
Okay, the rest are all boring stuffs so lets just skip them too. So went home and did some dueling and yeah, learned more new words! Heheh! Sshh..
Okay, bye!
Nothing to talk about this few days so yeah, may be kind of boring to read my posts..

Follow Your Heart
I'm racking my brain for a new improved way
To let you know you mean more to me than what I know how to say