We May Be Far Apart..
Saturday, March 14, 2009 |

Music Video!!

today! thought it was goin 2 b boring but thought wrong!!

zach msg if i cn go his house today, of course i can! :P hehehe and thn i waited for him until he finished with his dnt things and i went to his house.

played halo, was owning!!

after a while, nas and apizz came. nas joined halo and it was hell lot of a fun! many chain reactions killing. was kind of the first in the ranking UNTIL zach joined in!! damn!! he was pro, couldnt help it.

so on to playing dm. gt to use all my strategies of winning. thn, there was fatal four way battle. zach and nas was knocked out. only moin left. he won only bcoz i was ganged in the first half of the battle but i regained my victory in one on one wit him so it settled tht he cnt own me!


Follow Your Heart
I'm racking my brain for a new improved way
To let you know you mean more to me than what I know how to say