We May Be Far Apart..
Saturday, March 14, 2009 | 0 comments

Music Video!!

today! thought it was goin 2 b boring but thought wrong!!

zach msg if i cn go his house today, of course i can! :P hehehe and thn i waited for him until he finished with his dnt things and i went to his house.

played halo, was owning!!

after a while, nas and apizz came. nas joined halo and it was hell lot of a fun! many chain reactions killing. was kind of the first in the ranking UNTIL zach joined in!! damn!! he was pro, couldnt help it.

so on to playing dm. gt to use all my strategies of winning. thn, there was fatal four way battle. zach and nas was knocked out. only moin left. he won only bcoz i was ganged in the first half of the battle but i regained my victory in one on one wit him so it settled tht he cnt own me!


Follow Your Heart
I'm racking my brain for a new improved way
To let you know you mean more to me than what I know how to say

Wouldn't It Be Nice..
Thursday, March 12, 2009 | 0 comments

Another Music Video!

so 2dae.. hm.. was kind of stress bcoz of hist lesson but thn.. sudenly cancelled?! woohoo!!! nice sioooooooooooo

k, gt back result slip and i dunno y, bt i've made a mistake. my hist or combined humanities(combined wit ss), i've passed tht bt on the other hand.. i failed MATHS?! what the.. kinda terbalek.. wahaha, bt who cares! at least gt pass eng! woohoo, nice nice.

dun 4get to sign ur result slip hor!

so yes, after sch, this is wad happened..

went to a table discussing on which to attend to, there was hist lesson, ncc, art(help help oni), or 'go home'. thought on all of the things to attend to. all very like, WALAO! except for art and 'go home'. heheh. thn, dave msged zach tht hist lesson was cancelled.. :o yahoooooo!

thn, bcoz ncc is nt a must, thn tht's out of the list too, and art, we cn help 2morrow. so yes, goooo hooooooooome!

thn, problem solved. hope no stressful decision again..

Follow Your Heart
I'm racking my brain for a new improved way
To let you know you mean more to me than what I know how to say

You Make Me Smile
Monday, March 09, 2009 | 0 comments

This is a music video of a song which was made in a game. The first few minutes may be a little boring because of the director's cut but wait for a while and you will come to the best part of the song. Enjoy!

so yes! 2dae.. hm.. lets start wit... pe! yes, pe. hehehe, veeeeeryyy fuuuuuun! like real! damn hurdle!!! mother cheesecake! okay, so next is ss. didnt noe gt test bt at last, ms sng gave up on us and let us copy from our notes. hehehe!

then, came maths.. okay, lets skip!


yes, eng, the last period, my fav subject, and the most important part. got highest for my eng 'flashback story' *AHEM*

Sheree ahs, told you to post about this, dowan to post. hahaha! you good! nvm, nvm. i've posted for myself XD

So, yeah, got only 19/30. could have gotten 27/30 but bcoz i did nt checked for my tense, i lose.. 8 MARKS!!!! damn itttttttt!!! shitter, i shulda hav checked.. aaarrgghhh!!! and summore 2morow History... *speeechleeeeesss*

Follow Your Heart
I'm racking my brain for a new improved way
To let you know you mean more to me than what I know how to say

Every Year Is A Time For You To Change
Sunday, March 08, 2009 | 0 comments

As you can c, 2dae im nt posting my image but a video instead as i browsed through some videos and found a reali gr8 song tht i wanted 2 share wit u all.

so 2dae, in the morning, switched on laptop and check things out and transferring games to my hp. then, chat wit akid abit bout some hwk stuffs and about dm. hehehe. watch out zach!

so yeah, went out wit akid to lepak n thn played dm. test my new deck and yeah, kind of gud and once again, WATCH OUT ZACH!! and moin too :P so thn come some group of kids trying to act as gangster bt fail. they r safe we had no mood to deal wit kids lyke them who hav no lyfe.

so yeah, heck care bout thm and just continuing doing our own stuff as if they weren't there. well, tomorrow's going to be fun!


Follow Your Heart
I'm racking my brain for a new improved way
To let you know you mean more to me than what I know how to say

Even Words Can't Express How I Feel
Friday, March 06, 2009 | 0 comments

Yeah! Today is the best!
Well, got to school but had to just go straight to the water cooler in school as I need to cool my throat by drinking water there because of my throat pain. It is like every time I swallow, I will feel pain in my throat. Kind of irritating.
Yeah so had lessons and all.. kind of the same thing over and over again but yeah, got to live with it.
Did my Art work at school and managed to finish it in time but wasn't that good of a painting but was rushing for time and so I needed to do it real fast.
So did the same old stuff we always did after school and got home. New words created of course. Heheheh!!
Daaaaaamnnn iiiiiiiiiitttt!!!

Follow Your Heart
I'm racking my brain for a new improved way
To let you know you mean more to me than what I know how to say

It Is Too Late..
Thursday, March 05, 2009 | 0 comments

Hi! Throat pain today. Well, today and yesterday to be exact. All because of NCC..
Well, nevermind. So yeah, today's lesson kind of boring.. Maths, learned a new topic. Art, need to finish some work. And I lost one of my painting.. damn.. need to redo.. DAMN, I say, DAAAAAAMN!!
So moved on to.. English. Hm.. don't remember much about it so lets skip! Hee~
Okay, the rest are all boring stuffs so lets just skip them too. So went home and did some dueling and yeah, learned more new words! Heheh! Sshh..
Okay, bye!
Nothing to talk about this few days so yeah, may be kind of boring to read my posts..

Follow Your Heart
I'm racking my brain for a new improved way
To let you know you mean more to me than what I know how to say

When The Same Thing Happens Again, Its Called A Second Chance
Wednesday, March 04, 2009 | 0 comments

Wooh! Today was just tiring!

Let me explain...

In the morning, had to carry my NCC stuff and walked to school. Then, at morning assembly, had to stand, whole class, because of.. not moving infront when asked to. Then, had Physical Exercise. And then, had History lesson which was.. I don't even know how to explain.

Move on to.. recess. Didn't even had enough time to eat. Daaaaaamn!

And finished recess, NCC peoples need to move out already. Had to go to NCC HeadQuarters and learned about the SAR-21 which was a really cool rifle with Scope and Laser.

So after that, walked home from school.. again! With a heavy bag for your information.

So yeah, thank god today had ended! Yaaaahoooooooooooo!!

Follow Your Heart
I'm racking my brain for a new improved way
To let you know you mean more to me than what I know how to say